Let's all move to Burnaby, I guess

And what are you doing this weekend?

Prince George won the poll but according to a report from Glacier Media, the safest place in the province to avoid climate and natural disasters is Burnaby:

Most of the experts interviewed for this story agreed that parts of Burnaby are among the safest in B.C. ..

Brett Gilley, a professor at the University of British Columbia who teaches about natural disasters, agreed Burnaby is a safe choice to minimize risk from environmental hazards.

"I would want to be in places that are wetter in the province, in places that are not directly at sea level, in places that are off the floodplain,” Gilley said. “Large parts of Vancouver and Burnaby are a good example of a region that has less of those concerns. But the individual regions have pockets of concern all throughout them."

Apparently it’s also seismically stable, relative to much of the rest of the Lower Mainland, out of tsunami zones and, heavily urbanized, unlikely to be hit by a devastating wildfire. Prince George was voted the best place to avoid earthquakes and, along with the rest of the Interiot, tsumanis. The fire thing, I think, really put us out of the running which, fair enough. There’s that existential dread again…

Quick news:

What are you doing this weekend?

I can’t keep track of all the events going on every weekend so I’m trying something new: If you are organizing something or there’s just something you’re excited about and want others to know about, leave a comment on this post on the website to let us all know what’s going on.

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