The Vanderhoof desert

And Friday for real

It was around noon Tuesday that I said, “well, at least it’s almost the weekend.” At last that is actually true. It’s a short newsletter today.

That said, I enjoyed last week’s experiment where people shared what was going on in the comments. Let’s do it again today, and be sure to read the comments to see some of the cool stuff going on. Also, tell me where I can buy indoor Christmas lights.

I do want to direct your attention to Ted Clarke’s piece in the Citizen on the drought. I’ve definitely known there is a drought but he really drives it home:

Vanderhoof has had just 211 millimetres of moisture in the past 365 days - the driest year-long period ever recorded. Typically the city gets 465 mm of annual precipitation.

For perspective, any area on earth that typically gets 250 mm or less of moisture is considered a desert.

Quick news:

For today’s song, enjoy some Turkish pyschedlic folk:

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