Wake up and smell the lilacs

And celebrating Vaisakhi Nagar Kirtan

Good morning and welcome to a bonus Saturday edition of Northern Capital News. This is coming out for two reasons.

First, I wanted to share a piece I wrote about the arrival of lilac season. Every March and April I see lots of headlines about cherry blossoms in warmer climates — and they are beautiful — but I also feel like these purple perennials deserve their due, as well. There are a TON of lilacs out right now and if you really want to notice it, head down to neighbourhood between the Crescents/Duchess Park and Victoria St. to notice giant hedges and trees on pretty much every property. You can also take the Lilac Walk up at the David Douglas Botanical Garden at UNBC.

Speaking of UNBC, their plant sale is also happening Sunday and Monday.


Another spring celebration that comes to Prince George later than places further south is the Vaisakhi Nagar Kirtan (neighbourhood celebration) hosted by the local Sikh community. While celebrations happened a few weeks earlier in Surrey the Prince George event comes later for a combination of waiting for warmer weather and also allowing people from here to take part in celebrations down south and vice versa. So if you head out today and see all the tents at CN Centre or folks walking down the street, that’s what is going on — and as it is a community celebration you are invited to take part, enjoy food, etc.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Guru Nanak Darbar invites you to our Annual Nagar Kirtan Nagar Kirtan Saturday May 20th 2023 Start: Guru Nanak Darbar- IO AM CN Centre: 12 PM Leaving CN Centre: 2 PM Finish: Guru Nanak Darbar- PM For further information, please contact: Guru Nanak Darbar 4298 Davis Rd, Prince George, BC Pal Bassi Hardeep Singh Nishant Singh 250-612-7704 250-981-3614 807-356-3027'

Have a great Saturday!

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