
Plus, Chinese-language press declares a political miracle in Prince George

It kind of feels like winter came in exactly like this, doesn’t it? Tough to believe that it was still warm and sunny just over a week ago. I’m refreshing the Otway ski report to see when we might be able to get out there and am glad I hit the Studio Fair on Friday in order to avoid having to crowdsurf (it was a huge turnout). Hope you had a good weekend.

Prince George’s new mayor and council gets sworn in today. I already wrote a bit about that in Friday’s newsletter but this morning you can read a feature I helped edit about Simon Yu for CBC. Most interesting for me was the way Yu is being covered in Chinese-language meeting, with one newspaper calling his election a “miracle.” For his part, Yu says he’s eager to use the attention to showcase the city itself:

But the mayor-elect is eager to use his moment in the spotlight to showcase the benefits of life in Prince George, a community that is sometimes stereotyped as, in Yu’s words, “a redneck town.”

“Prince George is sending a very strong signal to the rest of the world,” he said. “Diversity is well here… We welcome investment, we welcome new immigrants. This is huge.”

Some awards for northern B.C. alcohol over the weekend. Northern Lights took home two awards at the All Canadian Wine Championships and Barkerville Brewing took home best stout at the B.C. Beer Awards.

And… that’s it for now. No need to pad this thing out.